Tuesday, 24 March 2015

the third day of travel

  1. I have just encountered the rocks that I was not looking forward to getting to, and the ride is getting a little risky.  I am almost in the crossing way between Yichang and the three gorges.  I am almost around the rocks, and I see another village, and they might have some more food that I can buy.  I am just getting around the rocks when I see the village up ahead, and it looks as if they have some cloth, as well as food.  When I get there, they welcome me and I buy some food and I also buy some cloth for warmth.  When I leave, I eat a little, and I have a few more days worth of food.  I am just turning around a little bend when I see some fishermen, and it looks like they have caught many pounds of fish.  I go past them as they are still catching fish.  Some of the fish they have caught I recognise.  When I finally go past them I can see some fish swimming in the water.  It is getting a little dark so I find a little beach to land on and sleep.  In the morning, it is a little bit foggy, but there are a lot of bird chirping in the trees.  I know that I am now getting very close to my destination, at the three gorges.  I think that I might have passed the cave, but that is ok, and I think I might have also passed the tall rock.  There is another beach that I land on and I stay there for the day to rest.

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