Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Jimmy and the Yangtze River

Shanghai is barely a town and is very small and has one port which is gathering more merchants each day. Residential zones are very small and has just been announced as a town. Before it was just a fishing village but has gained population and is the beginning of my voyage to Nanjing. It is busy for such a small port. There a tons of merchant ships crowding around the small docks. There are building scattered across the hills. It was beautiful. I got on my little sail boat and started to travel through shanghai. Shanghai has gained a lot of people in a small amount of time. I believe one day shanghai will be a huge bustling city, but I guess that will be for another time. Today is the first day and it’s a early morning and I had my noodle soup. I got on my little transport boat and left the delta of Shanghai. It was early morning and the sky was still red. There were just a couple of building that were lit up with candles. It was so early because we had to get a early start on our voyage. Only a couple people were up and around doing their jobs. There was just enough wind to take us down the river. I could see no light coming from down the river because not many people lived there. It was a little colder leaving the city because the candles were heating it up by just a fraction.

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